Latinas navigate between two worlds – dos culturas – that don’t always encourage our wellness and our growth.

That's why I've made it my life's misión to empower you with tools that support your physical body, mental health, emotional wellbeing, and spiritual alignment.

I believe that every mujer was born to be a Chingona, and it is through my work that I am creating a safe space where you get to heal yourself and your futuras generaciones, and where you get to create the most chingona life you've ever imagined.

Book Your Chingona AWAKENING Call


¿Necesitas mas? Book your 90-minute llamada (in English o en español) to identify what is happening with your sistema nervioso, salud física, emocional y mental – as well as with your relationship with yourself and with your loved ones – and to despertar (AWAKEN) your inner chingona to help you remember who you are and what you're made of so you can achieve the level of happiness & wellness you deserve!

Are You Looking for Comunidad?

De Chillona a Chingona

La Comunidad 100% en Español

Es la Comunidad de Sanación y Bienestar Para Mujeres a dónde puedes llegar para soltar tu estrés y sufrimientos y dejarte evolucionar de chillona a chingona por medio de conversaciones vulnerables, técnicas poderosas de coaching para tu salud, vida y espíritu. Aqui recibiras el amor, la aceptación y la honestidad que necesitas y que raramente encuentras.

De Chillona a Chingona

The Spanglish Comunidad

Is the Women's Healing Comunidad where you get to show up as you are, put down your estrés y sufrimientos, and let yourself evolve de chillona a chingona through vulnerable conversaciones, and powerful health, life and spiritual coaching - giving you the kind of love, acceptance & honesty you need and don't usually get.

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