Lessons | Lecciones

    1. Watch the Welcome Video

    1. What is Your Sistema Nervioso (Nervous System)

    2. The Autonomic Nervous System

    3. Stress Response: Fight Mode (Pelear)

    4. Stress Response: Flight Mode (Huir)

    5. Stress Response: Freeze Mode (Congelar)

    6. Stress Response: Fawn Mode (Adular)

    7. Understanding Different Types of Stress

    8. Stress & Your Sistema Nervioso

    9. Stress Responses & Your Physical Cuerpo


    1. Emotions vs Feelings

    2. Types of Emotions

    1. What are Pensamientos and What Types of Thoughts are There

    2. Understanding the Sources of Our Thoughts 🧠

    3. Conscious and Unconscious Power

    1. Emotional Energy

    2. Shifting Emotional Energía

    3. Creating Empowered Emotional Energía

Self Empowerment Curso (in English y en Español) to help you understand the conexión between thoughts, emociones, nervous system and habits.

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